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hardness filter pu glue

2013/8/21 8:38:22

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Introduction of high hardness filter PU glue


Physical and chemical and performance


A component

B component 


Homogeneous of orange-red liquid (other colors adjustable)

White - yellow liquid 

Relative density g/ml 

1.02 ± 0.05 

1.22 ± 0.05 

Viscosity MPa.S  25   

800  1000 

170  200 

Moisture % 

≤ 0.05 


Quantity of Mixing 


35 40 

Shelf life  month

Storage Temperature  

15  30 

High hardness filter PU glue, is a special non-porous polyurethane elastomer. The elastic body because there is no air bubbles, the intensity is relatively large, good elasticity,permanent deformation rate is very low. Has some oil resistance and excellent fatigue resistance. Can reach maximum hardness Shore A 85.

二、how to use

   Applicable to all kinds of construction machinery such as air filter seals and fixing various models for the design, installation. Developed and manufactured according to user requirements different properties of products.

 1 Befor using,stiring A material with plastic stir by hand drill, B material can shake.

2, open the hot plate temperature to 40-50 degrees, the winter will be A, B material with a small container to warm up.

3, wipe with a mold release agent.

4, A, B material according to the ratio of 100:40 ratio, then add 40%, with 3000 rev / min motor mixing glue, mixing time determined by the amount of glue per 100 grams of gel was about 5-8 seconds .

5 Stir the liquid mixture into the mold, then put the paper core pressure.

6,5-10 minutes after stripping.

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