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virgin glue for filter glue

Update: 2013/8/21??????View:
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DH-1 virgin glue of type-specific two-component filter glue

The adhesive glue simple ratio of 8:1, in which component A is not added. So convenient for the customer's long-distance transport, reducing the burden on the customer's freight.

A group wherein the polyol component, B component is a polyisocyanate component, when used in accordance with the mixing ratio of 2.5:1 ratio, then add 2-3 parts. Stir evenly according to 8:1 styrofoam for use.

How to use:

1, cover the surface should be cleaned to remove oil, dust, and thoroughly dried, the surface must not have any oil, water and other foreign matter, so as not to affect thebonding strength.
2, the amount of adhesive injected into the end cap and place a moment, so that the adhesive coating on the surface of a flat cover all parts.
3, the filter paper (or plus central tube) into the cover, check the two glued surface, to ensure it is fully in contact, at the top a little pressure to stand.
45, after 2 hours of curing, the flip cover and glued with another 24 hours to fully dry beforepacking, 5 days use.
Four, filter plastic packaging storage
Packing: A group copies, 200 kg, 50 kg / wide-mouth plastic drum; B component, 20 kg,250 kg / chemical plastic drum.
Storage: According to General Cargo Ship (non-hazardous), room temperature storage period of six months, after more than six months after re-examination can continue to use.

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