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  Is expected to buy smart mobile phone about 10000000

  Each of the day wing mobile phone trading would buy 3G mobile phone, previously millions, but this situation is completely different, this is mainly because the market scale expansion.

  On 2011, the day wing terminal market scale reached a record 60000000, a growth rate of over 40%, the day wing 3G mobile phone annual sales amounted to 34000000, grow 3 than 2010 times, Tianyi intelligent mobile phone is more than 16600000, grow 10 than 2010 times above. In March this year, China Telecom CDMA user growth 3500000, where 3G users increase of 2400000, a total of 43550000 users, 3G users for nine consecutive months in a single month net increase of more than 2000000 users.

  Since 2009, China Telecom 's mobile phone trade fair has been held three, sina science and technology seen in front of several session of the all process. In 2009, China Telecom in Nanjing to hold the first fair, CDMA manufacturer is only dozens, but thereafter only in 2009 increased hundreds of mobile phone industry, 2010, CDMA terminal industry manufacturers and reached more than 200, in mobile phone trading day wing will have 7000 people, and in 2011 increased to tens of thousands of people.

  According to the registration situation, CDMA terminal manufacturers, design, application developers, manufacturers, distributors and other chip terminal adds up to more than 5000. China Telecom is expected to have tens of thousands of people to attend the fair.

  It is reported, this meeting will determine the second half of China Telecom Terminal policy direction, will also be on the CDMA mobile phone vendor performance with considerable influence.

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